Sunday, August 19, 2007

Facebook for grown-ups

As some of you already know, you can find me on Facebook. I'll add one of those widgets once I plow through some more of the tasks, both real and virtual, on my long to-do list.

I was coaxed into joining by a handful of colleagues who convinced me that social networking and business networking are converging, and Facebook was where this was happening. Fair enough, I thought. I'll give it a try.

It's cleverly built, and it's addictive. I could spend days browsing through all the available widgets. I've also had one legit professional discussion, thanks to some folks from Sports Law Blog who have established an outlet there.

I'm also seeing a lot of this:

Wonder what the journalists who took their first jobs when the typical Facebooker was born think of that?

You're all adults here, I think. What do you think?

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